Michele Krause - "Where are you from? How did you get started? What was your pathway?"

Season #3 Episode #53

During the pandemic, Michele Krause and Emma Doyle crated and co-hosted the EM & M SHOW - providing both daily and weekly motivation, energy and mindset boosting to help people with their mental health! They are great friends and work colleagues and their energy combined is what most people talk about when they think of Emma and Michele. Michele is currently a Cardio Tennis Consultant at the United States Tennis Association (USTA) and she is the founder of InTENNSity Fitness.

Michele Krause is an experienced sports product manager with a demonstrated history of working in the tennis/fitness industry. The worlds foremost expert on Cardio Tennis; the architect and co-founder of the Cardio Tennis® Program, innovative and successful in taking the Cardio Tennis brand from concept to global brand recognition in over 30 countries. Cardio Tennis participation in the US has shown consistent growth since first tracked over 10 years ago with a participation increase of +156% from 2008-2016 and it is ranked #2 in the top ten fastest-growing sports over a 3-year participation rate. Today 2.2 million people in the US participate in Cardio Tennis. She has strong professional skills in team building, leadership, educating, public speaking, and event management.